free guide to optimize your website

Basic Needs For A Small Business Website

Businesses need an online presence to survive in this day and age

A user friendly website is a bear minimum

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    “This guide has helped me tremendously as a new business owner with little to no direction. I received so much information from this guide.”

    Micheline Pierre

    Miami, Florida

    What you get:

    Importance of website audit

    Importance of easily navigated sitemap

    All things Domain Name

    Securing a Web Hosting & Platforms

    Basic Search Engine Optimization

    Benefits of google analytics

    Tips on clear call to action (CTA)

    Tips on easy to find contact information

    Tips for adding testimonials

    Tips on landing pages

    and so much more...

    What is it all about?

    In this gude we discuss the important information that most business owners don't think about when starting their website.

    To stay ahead of your competition, it helps to understand and have a guide to have a competitive advantage and take the narrow road.